Established in 1978, the Oxford University Hong Kong Society brings together Hong Kong students studying at the University of Oxford to build a tight-knit support system that lasts beyond their education at Oxford.
As a Hong Kong student society at Oxford, our objective first and foremost is to provide a supportive community for Hong Kong students. But we are also forward-facing, as we understand that we must be aligned with the times to best serve our members.
The connections we build extend beyond Oxford, and indeed beyond our members alone. We wish to connect with the wider society in Hong Kong, China, and the world. To that end, we also seek to develop a deeper understanding of the role that Hong Kong plays as a Special Administrative Region, especially under new developments, to be sure our members have the connections they need to excel.
Whether intra- or inter-university, we promote the exchange of Hong Kong culture in Oxford with other national or regional communities. One of our flagship events this year is in collaboration with China PAIR and the Oxford Chinese Scholars and Students Association (OXCSSA) in organizing the inaugural Oxford China's Tango with the World Summit.
We provide support for our students at the initial state before and after their arrival at Oxford, including the organization of the annual Orientation Camp in Hong Kong and placing new students into OUHKS families. We facilitate their smooth and seamless transition into University life.
Through the many events we organize both at Oxford and in Hong Kong, we foster lifelong friendships within the Society. Each year, the Annual Dinner brings together generations of OUHKS members, from Fresher to alumni.
We highlight available academic and career opportunities in Hong Kong for all students eager to pursue a career in the region. This includes organizing professional workshops and career events with our sponsors, which include law firms and headhunting agencies alike.